Saturday, October 24, 2009

Page Ranking Implemented in Java

Within the past few years, Google has become the far most utilized search engine worldwide. This success is because of the high quality results in comparison to other search engines. This high quality result is because of the Page Ranking feature that google is using.

Each document is assigned with a ranking while it is being indexed. when you search for a keyword, pages with higher page rank are displayed on top.

The page rank algorithm is found by Google founders Lawrence Page and Sergey Brin.

In this article we first go through the algorithm and then implement it in Java.

The article is available from

The source code is available from


vishal blog said...

where to post jama package....i pasted in bin but it dint work

Nima Goodarzi said...

It does depend on your application, if you have a web-based application, put the jama package under WEB-INF\lib else put it in the classpath while running the application.

Anonymous said...

I confirm. All above told the truth. Let's discuss this question. Here or in PM.

Nima Goodarzi said...

OK dude, let's discuss, wherever!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing, I need it

Anonymous said...

Appreaciate for the work you have put into this article, this helps clear away some questions I had.

college board said...

Having read this material, I have learned for myself a lot of the new. Thanks

Anonymous said...

The little introduction
Hi there, my colleague just told me about this discussion board I really believed i would definitely come and consider a appear and present me, Looks an incredible website with a lot of associates!

mca said...

The code is not working when it's used in JAVA Eclipse..
do u have any clue????

mca said...

reply plss!!

Nima Goodarzi said...

What's the problem ? Could you please give more information about the error ?